
First Snowfall in Tennessee

For the last part of my Winter Garden series I have a special treat planned. I arranged for snow to fall upon Middle Tennessee so I could illustrate how great a winter garden looks! OK, of course I'm joking but snow is very cool to look at on the garden (please forgive the pun). The weather forecast called for chances of freezing precipitation but we didn't expect to have nearly 2 inches. For you northern gardeners who might be reading this and thinking "2 inches, what's the big deal?" Tennessee just doesn't get much snow. When we do it's not usually in December. Enough talk, let's look at snow!

On this silent night you would drive up to our yard and the first thing that might catch your attention is the snow covered Bradford pear tree in the front.  While I'm not proud of the pear (bad tree to plant) it's berries and branches certainly look great all covered with snow. It's about the only time it will be covered in white without it's horrible smell drifting on the wind!

As you turn toward the right of the tree you might casually glance at our house snugly nestled below the road. 

If you continue toward the house you will see our Winter Garden with the special snow covering I "ordered." Past the winter garden and against the house is a nandina than normally reaches about a foot below the roofline.  It's bent over under the weight of the snow.

Here's another view of the newly planted Winter Garden all dressed in it's winter finery.

The view from our front porch toward the sidewalk reveals perennials covered in snow that were not trimmed back.  I prefer to wait until spring to do that chore. 

This holly in the front porch garden is a classic winter plant.  Red berries and green foliage, just perfect for Christmas except for one thing...there are no berries!

The crabapple in the front porch garden isn't especially showy this time of year.  It's is a three year old tree from Arbor Day that has grown to about 10 feet tall.  The deer munched on the lower branches which forced the growth to go upwards.  Hopefully this spring I can prevent further incursions into this garden bed and allow the crabapple enough time to fill out with some foliage. 

Can you guess what these two snow laden plants might be?  If you guessed rosemary you would be correct!  These two plants flank an entryway to our front sidewalk from the yard. We really like rosemary in the garden!

There's a quick view of our winter wonderland.  It's all dark now, but you can expect some more cool shots tomorrow!  Stay warm!