So here's what winter really looks like in Tennessee (although technically it isn't winter yet!)
We wake up to temperatures beyond cold, way beyond cold. My wireless weather station does a nice job of letting me know how cold our frost pocket really is. It's amazing how different our yard can be than what they say it is in our area on the news. These weather stations have really advanced a lot since we got ours (La Crosse Technology WS-1516-IT Professional Weather Center @ Amazon).
When you actually get all dressed up in your winter weather gear here's what you see in the garden:
A Hemlock along the sideyard garden.
A red twig dogwood looks fantastic in the snow. In the early spring or late winter I'll trim back most of the stems and allow new growth to sprout up with its characteristic red bark color. Of course I'll make sure to propagate more than a few red twig dogwoods!
The paving stone patio looks very cool covered in snow.
Pink Muhly grass is poking it's leaves through the snow.
Ponytail grass (Nassella tenuissima) has its own interesting winter look.
The Powis Castle artemisia looks a little stressed out this time of year - it is the holidays afterall.
The vegetable garden is also covered with a layer of white snow. It looks so peaceful and organized right now!
Even though the temperatures inside my shed are staying 10-15 degrees warmer than the outside it is still dipping into the 20's. I don't have any heating system in there yet - one day maybe. For now it is protecting hardy plants that are in pots for next spring.
Are you walking in a Winter Wonderland yet?