
Top Hostas for Your Garden

I love hostas for the garden! They add color in their leaves, flowers and some have fragrance that many perennial plants just can't offer. How many perennial plants do you know that can take sun and shade? If you have been thinking about adding hostas to your garden for next year, try these top hostas.

These are miniature and small hostas. The hostas in this container are full size. They are H. 'Stiletto', H. 'Blue Mouse Ears' and H. 'Lemon Lime'.

H. 'Gold Standard'

H. 'Praying Hands'

H. 'Gold Standard'

Here are some of the top small hostas on the market. They are H. 'Pandora's Box', H. 'Baby Bunting', H. 'Tiny Tears', H. 'Cookie Crumbs', H. 'Twist of Lime', H. 'Cracker Crumbs', H. 'Popo' and H. venusta.
Some of top selling hostas are H. 'June', H. 'Sagae', H. 'Liberty', H. 'Striptease', H. 'Halcyon', H. 'Patriot', H. 'Niagara Falls', H. 'Stained Glass', H. 'Paul's Glory' and H. 'Whirlwind'. Additional top selling hostas are H. 'Sum and Substance', H. 'Spilt Milk', H. 'Great Expectations', H. 'Orange Marmalade' and H. montana 'Aureomarginata'. Most of these are easy to find in local nurseries and most have found their way into my garden already.
The hosta for 2010 is H. 'First Frost'. This one is very attractive and can be found at several nurseries online for sale.
Happy gardening and have a wonderful holiday!
The Creative Gardener
Don't forget to "pick"