
Virginia Bluebells

When spring arrives in my garden, the Virginia Bluebells become some of the early color to the garden. Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) are easy to grow and are self-sowing once they are established. They grow in Zones 3-9 in shaded areas and are wonderful for a woodland garden. I once worked in a garden where the client had her entire backyard planted in Virginia Bluebells. When they flowered it was spectacular! This is a plant that looks great when mixed in with spring flowering bulbs.

When Virginia Bluebells begin to grow in the spring, the flower blossoms are pink and then they turn to that beautiful sky blue color. They finally reach a height of about 12 to 20 inches tall. They prefer humus-rich, well drained soil that is slightly acidic. Virginia Bluebells are native to the United States.

When the temperatures begin to rise and the trees start to leaf out, the Virginia Bluebells will go down for the year. They will yellow and flatten out on the ground. I normally do not clean up what is left of this plant, because it will leave it's seed and what is left of the plant seems to just disappear until it returns the following spring. I consider that an easy plant to grow and maintain!
Happy Gardening!