
Winter Color for the Garden

Winter is nearing and the garden is starting to die down. Gone are the days of beautiful flowers, lots of color, warmth and sunshine. The urns, ceramic containers and flower pots are now sitting empty till the return of warm weather. Maybe not! Add some color to your garden by making arrangements in those empty containers.

Many people like to decorate their containers for the holidays, but why not make arrangements in your containers that will last past the holidays and up to the return of spring. Take cuttings from evergreen trees and shrubs like spruce, boxwood, pine, holly, juniper and fir and arrange them in those containers. The nice thing about cuttings from evergreens is that they will hold up to the elements for most of the winter and add some color to a very drab garden. Remember to limit your pruning to a few cuttings per plant and in areas that will hide the cut. If you don't have evergreens in your garden try recycling cutting from discarded Christmas trees from your home or the neighbors after the holidays. Add pine cones, sprigs of winterberry or fresh fruit like apples, oranges or lemons for a burst of color. For additional color, spray paint small tree branches in red or white and insert them into the arrangement for height. After your arrangement is complete, add some moss on top of the soil to complete the look. Place your completed containers in your garden and you will have some winter color till the return of spring.

Happy Holidays!

The Creative Gardener

Here is a suggestion: Make arrangements in those bare window boxes, hanging baskets, woven baskets and even the metal watering can with evergreen cuttings. Add some bulbs to your containers for spring flowering color.