
A Few Seed Picks Over the Weekend

Over this weekend our travels found us at one of the local big box stores looking for shelving hardware for our downstairs closet (another project but not one that will make it to the garden blog).  While there I went through the seed kiosks looking for the plants that made my master list for seed purchases.  Now you're probably wondering what I picked.  Here's the list for my first seed purchase of the season:

  • Super Sugar Snap Pea
  • Pic-N-Pic Hybrid Summer squash
  • Burpee's Fordhook Zucchini
  • Yellow Pear Tomatoes
  • Sierra Gold Cantaloupe

  • Papaya Cream Nasturtium - Self Sowing Garden.
  • Giant White Moonflower - Front Porch Garden/Arbor near self-sowing garden (not built yet).
  • Kaleidoscope Mix Larkspur - Self Sowing Garden.
  • Salvia Blue Bedder, Mealy Cup Sage (Salvia farinacea) - Anywhere I can! You can never enough salvia!
  • Celosia - Near the mailbox garden and maybe in the self sowing garden.

There are still more seeds to purchase but I've gotten a little jump on things. Many of the flowers will go into the self sowing garden (as I've indicated above) and the vegetables will go into the newly redesigned vegetable garden. We searched for more Brandywine tomatoes but couldn't find them.  The store clerk said that they probably would have some as plants later but I almost always start everything from seed, especially tomatoes.  The only time I've ever bought tomatoes as plants was from a high school agriculture department sale. I was late one year with my pot garden and really needed tomatoes. I just enjoy the satisfaction of growing everything from seed. icon