
Boy Scout Island Preserved

Across from the Gene Stratton-Porter State Historical site, where I'm restoring the gardens, is a 100-acre island accessible only by boat and surrounded by wetlands. The Nature Conservancy owns one of the wetlands, Swamp Angel, which is closed to all but scientists because of the number and diversity of plants, such as the carnivorous pitcher plant.

The island was owned by the Boy Scouts for many years and there are a few remnants of their buildings. Men visiting the site will often reminisce about their time on the island. The Boy Scouts sold the island to a developer who has been trying to build a bridge over the wetlands in order to develop this pristine site.

The good news? The lake association purchased the island and will preserve it. I'm not sure of the role of the site in the island's future, but my view from the garden, past the house, across the lake, will continue to be pristine beauty.