
Results: What Perennials Could You Not Garden Without?

This past Sunday I asked a for some inspiration on perennials for fall plantings. Here is a summary of what people suggested. I've simplified this post to show only the specific perennials themselves but those who commented offered some great ideas for where to use these perennials and some other options like trees and shrubs so please go back and read the comments for some more inspiration!

Laurie's Picks (From my Garden to Yours...):

Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths, Shasta daisies, purple coneflowers, and clematis, honeysuckle, black-eyed Susans, mums, asters, deep crimson verbena (hanging baskets) and million bells.

Perennial Gardener's Picks (The Perennial Garden Lover):


Gail's Picks (Clay and Limestone):

Coneflowers, rudbeckia, TX salvias, Salvia azurea, Little bluestem grass, Mexican Feather Grass, goldenrods (Solidago), native asters, baptisias, hellebores, clematis, phloxes: pilosa and paniculata, stargazer lilies, daylilies, epimediums, villosa, heucheras and the crosses, hardy native ferns, verbena canadensis, monardas and malvas

Rhonda's Picks (Adventures in My Garden):

Knockout roses, coneflower, black eyed susans, daisies, phlox, rose of Sharon, 'Purple Homestead' verbena, agastache 'Blue Fortune', blue liriope, daylillies, tulips, daffodils, monarda, the baptisia, Lambs ear.

Tina's Picks (In the Garden)

Peonies, irises, amsonia, hardy geraniums, coneflowers, brown eyes, Russian sage, mums, hostas, sedum, salvias, eupatoriums, and daylilies.

Dee's Picks (Red Dirt Ramblings)

Daylilies, pink garden phlox, Mexican feather grass, showy goldenrod, penstemons, balloon flower, maidenhair fern (the one with the black stems), lady in red fern.

Skeeter's Picks (In the Garden)

Lantana (tender perennial/annual), Purple Homestead Verbena

Dave's Picks (The Home Garden):

Salvia nemorosa ('Caradonna', 'East Friesland'), Nepeta faassenii (Catmint 'Walker's Low'), Gaillardia, Coreopsis, Coneflower, Perovskia artiplicifolia (Russian sage), 'Purple Homestead' verbena and of course rudbeckia.

As you look over the list you may notice some favorites that repeat themselves. Things like rudbeckia, coneflower, phlox, daylilies and verbena all seem to be well liked! There is definitely a lot of perennials to choose from; time to make a list!

This next Sunday's question will be about ornamental grasses!