
5 More Plants I Want in Every Garden!

On Monday I posted about 5 Plants I Want in Every Garden.  In case you missed it the post was about plants that should I ever move I will plant again in the new garden.  As several of the commenters pointed out it's hard to just pick five!  So today I'll add four more to my list.  Neither this post, nor the last one list these plants in any order of preference.  Every plant has a purpose and each has its own unique attributes that make it worthwhile in my garden and while I have favorites, I don't have a favorite!

So here are five more, maybe these posts will get you through until your mail order garden catalogs arrive!


Salvia is all over my garden.  The 'Caradonna's in front, 'May Night' by the mailbox, Salvia greggii in the back, Salvia coccinea in the self sowing areas, Salvia elegans (Pinapple sage) in the birdbath garden, and Black and Blue all over.  I added 'Hit Lips' this year along with a Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain'.  You can never have too much salvia!  And no I don't have any Salvia divinorum.


The 'Shasta' viburnum in the picture is an awesome plant but I like all my viburnums.  I have quite a few arrowwood viburnums as they are easy to propagate in addition to a Viburnum burkwoodii.  I also have a few snowball viburnums that layered off another plant.

Oak Leaf Hydrangea

The leaf shape, flower panicles, and fall color all make the oak leaf hydrangea worthy of my garden.  It can also tolerate more sun than other hydrangeas do. 


What drought tolerant garden would be complete without a sedum?  In the picture is a dragon's blood sedum which unfortunately nearly died out last year. 'Autumn Joy', 'Blue Spruce', 'Xenox' and a few other miscellaneous sedums inhabit the gardens. Sedums are so easy to care for if given good drainage.

Russian Sage

You need a little space to grow Russian sage but it is one very cool plant.  Russian sage is another deer resistant plant which is absolutely necessary if you want to maintain your sanity in deer territory. It's beautiful, drought tolerant, nearly 100% deer proof, and in my garden!  How cool is that?

What plants will you always have in your gardens?