
Chilly Week Ahead - Warm Weeks Behind (Part 2)

Tuesday find ourselves cold again - waking up to temperatures in the mid teens in our little frost pocket. Fortunately the garden shed stayed about 10 degrees warmer without any extra heat. I hope to eventually add something for heating purposes but for now the shed is overwintering many of the plants I made from cuttings. Yesterday's look back post ended with photos from June today we'll finish with a few photos from the other warm months!

July 2010 - July brought us a new addition to the family with the birth of my son. On the day he was born I was out with my two daughters in the garden on a warm and windy day. They picked flowers and played in the summer sun knowing that they would both be big sisters soon!

July 1, 2010

July also brought many flowers to the garden like this combination of Russian sage, rudbeckia, and Shasta daisy. The daisies are very easy to root from stem cuttings or through division.

August 2010 - The months beyond July found us extremely dry. Very little rain fell in August which meant that only the toughest plants did much - but there's always something to see in the garden! The crape myrtles were covered in blooms near the arbor and one of the most delicious tomatoes was harvested from the vegetable garden: the Woodle Orange!

September 2010 - September brought many of the fall blooming flowers into the game. The caryopteris row was making progress and the Sweet Autumn clematis looked like mounds of snow in September.

And of course I finally managed to paint the garden shed!

October 2010 - October is probably the last of the reliable warm months here in Tennessee. The temperatures are cooler and nearly perfect for garden activities. November - not so much (although we did have several good days this yea in November). Mums and salvias were blooming all over and the fall colors were changing.

The Sheffield Pink mums were a new addition in the spring and proved to be an awesome addition to the garden.

October also found me cleaning up the vegetable garden (here's the vegetable garden layout) from the summer crops. There's still more to do but I'm not in a big rush to finish - not when it's 25 degrees outside!

Thanks for joining me on this look back at the warmer months. The good news is that winter doesn't last forever! Now it's time to start thinking about seeds!